Posts tagged A day without women

A woman is an extraordinary piece of work. We make babies, nurture and help them grow into better versions of ourselves. Who’s stronger than a single mother? No one.

In today’s society, there is an attack on women. In the Republican’s American Health Care Act, Planned Parenthood will find most of its funding eliminated. The organization offers preventative care such as breast exams, cervical cancer screenings, HIV tests and birth controls to millions of patients, most importantly, women with low income and those living in rural areas. These services actually lower abortions by preventing unplanned pregnancies.

A few weeks ago, I saw Gloria: In Her Own Words, an HBO documentary about feminist, author, and women’s rights advocate, Gloria Steinem. She has always been one of my heroes, and although I knew that she had an abortion when she was younger, it still resonated with me. As a woman, we are judged for so much and rarely rewarded for our accomplishments. She was one of the leaders of the nationwide Women’s Strike for Equality march on August 26, 1970. It was held on the 50th anniversary of the enactment of women’s suffrage when the 19th Amendment became a part of the U.S. Constitution.

Today is International Women’s Day. Whether you’re wearing red to work or taking the day off to join rallies or striking for equal rights, let us remember that it’s a continuous battle.

Join me today and let’s take action for us gals around the world. #Daywithoutawoman.